Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2024 год

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«Red Book of Pridnestrovie»

      "Iris pontica"


       Denomination: 10 roubles
       Quality: proof-like withr colour image
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth
       Weight: 14,14 G
       Mintage: 100 pcs
       Alloy: 925 silver
       Design: Titova E
       Catalog number: 10201-04-17021    

Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republc; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republica Bank), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms - the Year of issue of the coin "2024", on the left - the manufacturer's logo, the state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, the fineness of the alloy.

Reversein the center - a color image of an iris pontica against the background of an open book; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - “ИРИС ПОНТИЧЕСКИЙ” (IRIS PONTICA), at the bottom - «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE).



       Denomination: 10 roubles
       Quality: proof-like withr colour image
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth
       Weight: 14,14 G
       Mintage: 100 pcs
       Alloy: 925 silver
       Design: Titova E
       Catalog number: 10201-04-17020     

Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republc; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republica Bank), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms - the Year of issue of the coin "2023", on the left - the manufacturer's logo, the state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, the fineness of the alloy.

Reverse: in the center - a color image of a red-nosed pochard at the time of takeoff; on the left - a color image of an open book; in a circle - the inscriptions: «КРАСНОНОСЫЙ НЫРОК» (RED-NOSED DIVE), «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE), "NETTA RUFINA".



       Denomination: 10 roubles
       Quality: proof-like withr colour image
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth
       Weight: 14,14 G
       Mintage: 150 pcs
       Alloy: 925 silver
       Arts: Starodubova O.      

Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republc; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republica Bank), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms - the Year of issue of the coin "2022", on the left - the manufacturer's logo, the state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, the fineness of the alloy.

Reverse: in the center - a color image of a forest dormouse sitting on a tree branch, under it - leaves and a graphic image of a book; at the top - the inscription: «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); at the bottom of the inscription: on the left - «СОНЯ ЛЕСНАЯ» (SONIA FOREST), on the right - "DRYOMYS NITEDULA".




       Denomination: 10 roubles
       Quality: proof-like withr colour image
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth
       Weight: 14,14 G
       Mintage: 20 pcs
       Alloy: 925 silver
       Arts: I. Michailova       

Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republc; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republica Bank), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms - the Year of issue of the coin "2022", on the left - the manufacturer's logo, the state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, the fineness of the alloy.

Reverse: on the left - an image of a spring Adonis sprout, on the right - a color image of a flower of a plant, above it - a graphic image of a book, around the circle there are inscriptions: at the top - «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - «АДОНИС ВЕСЕННИЙ – ADONIS VERNALIS» (ADONIS SPRING - ADONIS VERNALIS).




       Denomination: 10 roubles
       Quality: proof-like withr colour image
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth
        Weight: 14,14 G
        Mintage: 20 pcs
        Alloy: 925 silver
        Arts: I. Michailova       

Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republc; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republica Bank), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms - the year of issue of the coin "2021", on the left - the manufacturer's logo, the state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, the fineness of the alloy.

Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of a white water lily, made in color; on the right above it - a graphic image of the book, above - the inscription: «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (THE RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - the inscription: «КУВШИНКА БЕЛАЯ – NYMPHAEA ALBA» (KUVSHINKA WHITE - NYMPHAEA ALBA). 


         "WATER NUT (CHILIM)"


         Denomination: 10 roubles
         Quality: proof-like withr colour image
         Diameter: 32 mm.
         The edge - smooth.
         Weight: 14,14 G.
         Mintage: 250 pcs.
         Alloy: 925 silver 
         Arts: K. Paskar`        

Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republc; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republica Bank), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms - the year of issue of the coin "2018", on the left - the manufacturer's logo, the state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, the fineness of the alloy.

Reverse: in the center - a stylized color image of a water nut; below it - a graphic image of the book, above - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE); below - the inscription «ВОДЯНОЙ ОРЕХ – TRAPA NATANS» (WATER NUT - TRAPA NATANS).     


         "Sturgeon russian"

         Denomination: 10 roubles
         Quality: proof-like
         Diameter: 32 mm.
         The edge - smooth.
         Weight: 14,4 G.
         Mintage: 500 pcs.
         Alloy: 925 silver 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of   Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika  with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2008 “ is under the image.

Reverse: At centre an image of the sturgeon. On the right: a graphics image of the book, under her - inscription «ACIPENSER GUELDENSTAEDTII BRONDT ET ROTZEBURG». Above: from left to right - inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE). Below at the left - inscription "ОСЕТР РУССКИЙ" (STURGEON RUSSIAN).

            "Eagle Owl".


         Denomination: 10 roubles 
         Quality: proof-like
         Diameter: 32 mm.
         The edge - smooth. 
         Weight: 14,4 G.
         Mintage: 500 pcs.
         Alloy: 925 silver. 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2008 “ is under the image. 

Reverse: At the left image of an eagle owl. On the right: a graphics image of the book and  eagle owl. Above: from left to right - inscription  "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE). Below - inscription "ФИЛИН BUBO BUBO" (AN EAGLE OWL  BUBO BUBO).


               "TULIP BIBERSHTAIN".


         Denomination: 10 roubles 
         Quality: proof-like
         Diameter: 32 mm.
         The edge - smooth. 
         Weight: 14,4 G.
         Mintage: 500 pcs. 
         Alloy: 925 silver 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2008 “ is under the image. 

Reverse: is represented tulip. At the left: an image of a tulip, above  - graphics image of  the book. Above: from left to right - inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE). Below: at the left - inscription «ТЮЛЬПАН БИБЕРШТЕЙНА» (TULIP BIBERSHTAIN) ; on the right - inscription on Latin "TULIPA BIEBERSTEINIANA ".




          Denomination: 10 roubles
          Quality: proof-like
          Diameter: 32 mm. 
          The edge - smooth.
          Weight: 14,4 G.
          Mintage: 500 pcs. 
          Alloy: 925 silver. 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2008 “ is under the image. 

Reverse:  At centre an image otter. At the left: a graphics image of the book. Above: from left to right inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE). Below - inscription  "ВЫДРА LUTRA LUTRA" (OTTER).


             "SUKLEYA`S HOME DOG".


            Denomination: 3 roubles 
            Diameter: 50 mm. 
            The edge - ribbed 
            Weight: 101,5 G. 
            Alloy: 925 silver 
            Mintage: 5 pcs. 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "3 РУБЛЯ" (3 RUBLЕ) at the bottom . The issue year “2008 “ is under the image.    

Reverse: At centre an image a dog. At the left on a circle an inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE), on the right on a circle - «СУКЛЕЙСКАЯ ДВОРОВАЯ" (SUKLEYA`S HOME DOG).


             "WHITE SVAN". 


           Denomination: 10 roubles 
           Quality: proof-like
           Diameter: 32 mm. 
           The edge - smooth. 
           Weight: 14,4 G. 
           Mintage: 500 pcs. 
           Alloy: 925 silver.  

Avers:  in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛУЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2009 “ is under the image. 

Reverse: Image White Svan. On the right above image of the book. Above: from left to right inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE),  Below: an inscription «ЛЕБЕДЬ ШИПУН" (SVAN- SHIPUN - CYGNUS OLOR).




            Denomination: 10 roubles 
            Quality: proof-like 
            Diameter: 32 mm.
            The edge - smooth. 
            Weight: 14,4 G. 
            Mintage: 500 pcs. 
            Alloy: 925 silver 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2009 “ is under the image.

Reverse: Image snowdrop. On the right above: a graphics image of  the book . Above: from left to right inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE),  Below: an inscription «ПОДСНЕЖНИК СНЕЖНЫЙ – GALANTHUS NIVALIS L». (SNOWDROP - GALANTHUS NIVALIS L). 

                BUTTERFLY  A "DEAD HEAD" (silver).        


             Denomination: 10 roubles 
             Quality: proof-like 
             Diameter: 32 mm. 
             The edge - smooth. 
             Weight: 13,87 G. 
             Mintage: 250 pcs. 
             Alloy: 925 silver 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2011 “ is under the image, trade mark of  the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass.

Reverse: Image a butterfly - dead head. On the right image flower and caterpillar. At the upper left to the right inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE). Below inscription "sphingidae". 


          BUTTERFLY A "DEAD HEAD" (silver and colour). 


      Denomination: 10 roubles 
      Quality: proof-like 
      Diameter: 21 mm. 
      The edge - smooth. 
      Weight: 7,89 G. 
      Mintage: 250 pcs. 
      Alloy: 925 silver Is executed in colour

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2011 “ is under the image, trade mark of the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass.

Reverse: Image a butterfly - dead head. On the right image flower and caterpillar Is executed in colour. At the upper left to the right inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE). Below inscription "sphingidae". 




      Denomination: 10 roubles
      Quality: proof-like 
      Diameter: 32 mm. 
      The edge - smooth. 
      Weight: 13,87 G. 
      Mintage: 250 pcs. 
      Alloy: 925 silver Is executed in colour

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2014 “ is under the image, trade mark of the manufacturer, label of  metal, test of an alloy, mass.

Reverse: in the center - image of lily in color, on the left above it - a graphic representation of  the book; top - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE); bottom - the inscription  "ЦАРСКИЕ КУДРИ» – LILIUM MARTAGON" (LILY ROYAL CURLS - LILIUM MARTAGON).


       "TURTLE SWAMP".  


       Denomination: 10 roubles 
       Quality: proof-like 
       Diameter: 32 mm. 
       The edge - smooth. 
       Weight: 14,14 G. 
       Mintage: 250 pcs. 
       Alloy: 925 silver. 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2015 “ is under the image, trade mark of the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass.

Reverse:   in the center - the image of a turtle in the water cattail thickets left of  him - a graphic representation of  the book; at the top - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ»; (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE); bottom - the inscription "ЧЕРЕПАХА БОЛОТНАЯ" (Turtle Swamp - EMYS ORBICULARIS).   




     Denomination: 10 roubles
     Quality: proof-like Is executed in colour
     Diameter: 32 mm. 
     The edge - smooth. 
     Weight: 13,87 G. 
     Mintage: 250 pcs. 
     Alloy: 925 silver 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic at the bottom - "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES); at the bottom under the arms - the Year of  issue "2016" coins, the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, the right - the indication of the metal, its fineness.

Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of two woodpeckers, one of which is made in color, and wood on it - a graphic representation of the book; at the top - the inscription "КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ" (THE RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE); at the bottom - the inscription "ЗЕЛЁНЫЙ ДЯТЕЛ" (European Green Woodpecker - PICUS VIRIDIS).




     Denomination: 10 roubles
     Quality: proof-like Is executed in colour
     Diameter: 32 mm. 
     The edge - smooth. 
     Weight: 13,87 G. 
     Mintage: 250 pcs. 
     Alloy: 925 silver 

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic at the bottom - "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES); at the bottom under the arms - the Year of  issue "2017" coins, the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, the right - the indication of the metal, its fineness.

Reverse: In the center - a stylized image of a lily of the valley, made in color, framed by hands symbolizing protection; Under it - a graphic image of the book, at the top - the inscription «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK PRIDNESTROVIE); Below - the inscription «ЛАНДЫШ МАЙСКИЙ – CONVALLARIA MAJALIS» (LANDY MAY - CONVALLARIA MAJALIS).   




     Denomination: 10 roubles
     Quality: proof-like Is colour image
     Diameter: 32 mm. 
     Weight: 12,83 G. 
     The edge - smooth. 
     Mintage: 250 pcs. 
     Alloy: 925 silver
     Art: K. Pascar

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic at the bottom - "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES); at the bottom under the arms - the Year of  issue "2019" coins, the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, the right - the indication of the metal, its fineness.

Reverse: on the right is a stylized image of a black stork made in color, under it is a graphic image of a book, on the left is an image of a flying stork; above - the inscription  «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - the inscription «ЧЁРНЫЙ АИСТ – CICONIA NIGRA» (BLACK STORK - CICONIA NIGRA).



     Denomination: 10 roubles
     Quality: proof-like Is colour image
     Diameter: 32 mm. 
     Weight: 12,83 G. 
     The edge - smooth. 
     Mintage: 200 pcs. 
     Alloy: 925 silver
     Art: A.Mihailova

Avers: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic at the bottom - "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES); at the bottom under the arms - the Year of  issue "2020" coins, the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, the right - the indication of the metal, its fineness.

Reversein the center - a color image of a European forest cat on a forest background; on the right - a graphic image of the book, at the top - the inscription  «КРАСНАЯ КНИГА ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЯ» (RED BOOK OF PRIDNESTROVIE); below - the inscription «ЕВРОПЕЙСКАЯ ЛЕСНАЯ КОШКА – FELIS SILVESTRIS SILVESTRIS» (EUROPEAN FOREST CAT - FELIS SILVESTRIS SILVESTRIS)