Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2025 год

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c  07.03.2025
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c  07.03.2025
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"Fairytales and legends of Pridnestrovie"



     Denomination: 100 roubles 
     Quality: proof-like
     Diameter: 32 mm. 
     The edge - smooth. 
     Weight: 14,14 G. 
     Mintage: 1000 pcs. 
     Alloy: 925 silver 

     Number in the Catalogue 613-213-01*     

     The obverse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of   Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic  "ПРИДНЕСТРОВССКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin  "100 РУБЛЕЙ"  (100 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2006 “ is under the image. 

     The reverse:  an image of Ivan the Tsar’s Son, the famous character of Russian fairytales, with a caught Fire-Bird in his hand against the background of the apple-tree with falling apples. An inscription  "ЖАР-ПТИЦА" (Fire-Bird) in Cyrillic is above to the right along the edging, a stylized ribbon with an inscription "ПО МОТИВАМ РУССКИЙ НАРОДНЫХ СКАЗОК" (After Russian Folk Fairytales)  is on the left in the lower part of the coin written in semicircle along the edging.



       Denomination: 100 roubles
       Quality: proof-like 
       Diameter: 32 mm. 
       The edge - smooth. 
       Weight: 14,14 G.
       Mintage: 1000 pcs. 
       Alloy: 925 silver 

       Number in the Catalogue 613-213-02.

       The obverse:
in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of    Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВССКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue year “2006 “ is under the image. 

        The reverse: An image of a character of the Ukrainian folk story Ivasik-Telesik sitting in the wooden boat with caught fish against the background of river rush. An inscription "IBACИK - ТЕЛЕСИК" (IVASIK-TELESIK) in Ukrainian is to the left of the image along the edging, and an inscription "ЗА МОТИВАМИ УКРАIНСЬКИХ НАРОДНИХ КАЗОК"  (After Ukrainian Folk Fairytales) in the Ukrainian language on the stylized ribbon is on the right written in semicircle along the edging.



       Denomination: 100 roubles 
       Quality: proof-like
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth. 
       Weight: 14,14 G.
       Mintage: 1000 pcs.
       Alloy: 925 silver 

        Number in the Catalogue 613-213-03.

       The obverse:
in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of    Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВССКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom . The issue year “2006 “ is under the image. 

        The reverse: an image of Fet-Frumos, the famous character of Moldavian fairytales, riding a horse and killing a gigantic snake with a sword is in the centre. An inscription  "ФЭТ-ФРУМОС" (FET-FRUMOS) in Moldavian  is on the left along the edging , an inscription   "ПЕ МОТИВЕЛЕ ПОВЕШТИЛОР ПОПУЛАРЕ МОЛДОВЕНЕШТЬ" (After Moldavian Folk Fairytales) in the Moldavian language on the stylized ribbon is on the right written in semicircle along the edging.

        *The Catalogue "Coins Pridnestrovian Republican bank 2000-2007 " (Tiraspol,2007).